The joke is on us

Sometimes, it is really difficult to explain what exactly it is that we do.

People love to teach - I mean isn't that obvious from the number of unsolicited advice we get each day?

And then, people love to pass comments - don't we all say, its a free country and if we don't like something we have a right to say 'I don't like it'

Weave these two steps into a logic and mix it with the fact that IDs in India are not certified IDs. [I'm definitely not a certified ID - experienced yes, certified no.]

So, I can't really complain when people jump in to define what it is we do. How can I? I only know what I have done and what I am doing.

But ID is a huge field and there are many IDs out there doing many different things...

And yet when people try to tell me that ID is just commonsense and anyone can do it - my hackles are raised.

Everyone can give advice: But how many have actually followed that very same advice before doling it out?

So do advice me about the work (my own or my teams) but do bother to know the content, learner, his background, his requirement, his work before you start.

Everyone can make a comment: But how many add value?

So do comment of the work we do, but do ensure that you add value/give corrections and are not just saying 'this image is not working for me' - if you think its not good, explain to us why you think that.

So yes, anyone with a pinch of common sense and smarts can become an ID and can give review comments - but know that copying content from source document to SB does not an ID make.

I agree with people who say 'Work Smart NOT Hard' but that only works when the SMART part of it is our own and not borrowed.


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