Be Curious! Have Fun!

In my last post, I sent you to Brett Bixler's list.

It was huge but did YOU find it interesting? After going through it [click here if you want to view it] did you feel enthu about being an ID or were you exhausted?

And do you have fun when you are working? When you get up do you feel I can't wait to work on my SB or is it more like I can't wait to complete this thing and do something more interesting?

It is important that we enjoy what we do, to be able to do it well. It is important that we laugh [yes, even in office.] Even when there is fire on project [specially when there is fire on project.]

The way I see us adding value is by being curious about what we do [ because we are really interested in what we do, not just cause I say so]. That means wanting to know why we are creating the course. Knowing whether the course actually helps someone with their task or would it be just one more hoop for them to jump through?

And if you create enough courses you will come to realize that being good at our job also means being curious about other people. Wanting to know what they do, how do they do their task, why do they do their task in certain way and not some other way, why do they need training, what will interest them enough to actually pay attention to the course being created, these and many such questions will help you do well at your own task.

So be curious. Don't be afraid to show people that you are interested in them. More often than not, your interest will enhance your relations and your work. And don't forget to have fun while you are busy working.


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